
Default install🔗

MNE-LSL requires Python version 3.9 or higher and is available on PyPI and conda-forge. It requires liblsl which will be either fetch from the path in the environment variable MNE_LSL_LIB (or PYLSL_LIB), or from the system directories, or downloaded from the release page on compatible platforms.

As of MNE-Python 1.6, mne-lsl is distributed in the MNE standalone installers.

The installers create a conda environment with the entire MNE-ecosystem setup, and more! This installation method is recommended for beginners.

mne-lsl can be installed from PyPI using pip:

$ pip install mne-lsl

mne-lsl can be installed from conda-forge using conda:

$ conda install -c conda-forge mne-lsl

mne-lsl can be installed from GitHub:

$ pip install git+

Different liblsl version🔗

If you prefer to use a different version of liblsl than the automatically downloaded one, or if your platform is not supported, you can build liblsl from source and provide the path to the library in an environment variable MNE_LSL_LIB (or PYLSL_LIB).

liblsl and LabRecorder dependencies🔗

On Linux, liblsl requires libpugixml-dev and LabRecorder requires qt6-base-dev and freeglut3-dev.

$ sudo apt install -y libpugixml-dev qt6-base-dev freeglut3-dev


MNE-LSL requires a Qt binding for the legacy StreamViewer and for the future mne_lsl.Viewer. All 4 Qt bindings, PyQt5, PyQt6, PySide2 and PySide6 are supported thanks to qtpy. It is up to the user to make sure one of the binding is installed in the environment.


The legacy StreamViewer was developed and tested with PyQt5 only.