
mne.concatenate_epochs(epochs_list, add_offset=True, *, on_mismatch='raise', verbose=None)[source]#

Concatenate a list of Epochs into one Epochs object.


Unlike concatenate_raws, this function does not modify any of the input data.


List of Epochs instances to concatenate (in that order).


If True, a fixed offset is added to the event times from different Epochs sets, such that they are easy to distinguish after the concatenation. If False, the event times are unaltered during the concatenation.

on_mismatch‘raise’ | ‘warn’ | ‘ignore’

Can be 'raise' (default) to raise an error, 'warn' to emit a warning, or 'ignore' to ignore when the device-to-head transformation differs between instances.

New in v0.24.

verbosebool | str | int | None

Control verbosity of the logging output. If None, use the default verbosity level. See the logging documentation and mne.verbose() for details. Should only be passed as a keyword argument.

New in v0.24.

epochsinstance of EpochsArray

The result of the concatenation. All data will be loaded into memory.


New in v0.9.0.

Examples using mne.concatenate_epochs#

Working with CTF data: the Brainstorm auditory dataset

Working with CTF data: the Brainstorm auditory dataset