
class mne.simulation.SourceSimulator(src, tstep=0.001, duration=None, first_samp=0)[source]#

Class to generate simulated Source Estimates.

srcinstance of SourceSpaces

Source space.


Time step between successive samples in data. Default is 0.001 s.

durationfloat | None

Time interval during which the simulation takes place in seconds. If None, it is computed using existing events and waveform lengths.


First sample from which the simulation takes place, as an integer. Comparable to the first_samp property of Raw objects. Default is 0.


Duration of the simulation in same units as tstep.


Number of time samples in the simulation.



Iterate over 1 second STCs.

add_data(label, waveform, events)

Add data to the simulation.

get_stc([start_sample, stop_sample])

Simulate a SourceEstimate from the provided data.

get_stim_channel([start_sample, stop_sample])

Get the stim channel from the provided data.


Iterate over 1 second STCs.

add_data(label, waveform, events)[source]#

Add data to the simulation.

Data should be added in the form of a triplet of Label (Where) - Waveform(s) (What) - Event(s) (When)

labelinstance of Label

The label (as created for example by mne.read_label). If the label does not match any sources in the SourceEstimate, a ValueError is raised.

waveformarray, shape (n_times,) or (n_events, n_times) | list

The waveform(s) describing the activity on the label vertices. If list, it must have the same length as events.

eventsarray of int, shape (n_events, 3)

Events associated to the waveform(s) to specify when the activity should occur.

Examples using add_data:

Compare simulated and estimated source activity

Compare simulated and estimated source activity

Simulate raw data using subject anatomy

Simulate raw data using subject anatomy

Generate simulated source data

Generate simulated source data
property duration#

Duration of the simulation in same units as tstep.

get_stc(start_sample=None, stop_sample=None)[source]#

Simulate a SourceEstimate from the provided data.

Returns a SourceEstimate object constructed according to the simulation parameters which should be added through function add_data. If both start_sample and stop_sample are not specified, the entire duration is used.

start_sampleint | None

First sample in chunk. If None the value of the first_samp attribute is used. Defaults to None.

stop_sampleint | None

The final sample of the returned STC. If None, then all samples past start_sample are returned.

stcSourceEstimate object

The generated source time courses.

Examples using get_stc:

Compare simulated and estimated source activity

Compare simulated and estimated source activity

Simulate raw data using subject anatomy

Simulate raw data using subject anatomy
get_stim_channel(start_sample=0, stop_sample=None)[source]#

Get the stim channel from the provided data.

Returns the stim channel data according to the simulation parameters which should be added through the add_data method. If both start_sample and stop_sample are not specified, the entire duration is used.


First sample in chunk. Default is the value of the first_samp attribute.

stop_sampleint | None

The final sample of the returned stc. If None, then all samples from start_sample onward are returned.

stim_datandarray of int, shape (n_samples,)

The stimulation channel data.

property n_times#

Number of time samples in the simulation.

Examples using mne.simulation.SourceSimulator#

Compare simulated and estimated source activity

Compare simulated and estimated source activity

Simulate raw data using subject anatomy

Simulate raw data using subject anatomy

Generate simulated source data

Generate simulated source data