- mne.viz.plot_dipole_amplitudes(dipoles, colors=None, show=True)[source]#
Plot the amplitude traces of a set of dipoles.
- Parameters
- Returns
- fig
The figure object containing the plot.
- fig
New in v0.9.0.
Examples using mne.viz.plot_dipole_amplitudes
Compute a sparse inverse solution using the Gamma-MAP empirical Bayesian method
Compute a sparse inverse solution using the Gamma-MAP empirical Bayesian method
Compute sparse inverse solution with mixed norm: MxNE and irMxNE
Compute sparse inverse solution with mixed norm: MxNE and irMxNE
Compute Rap-Music on evoked data
Compute Rap-Music on evoked data
Compute MxNE with time-frequency sparse prior
Compute MxNE with time-frequency sparse prior
Compute Trap-Music on evoked data
Compute Trap-Music on evoked data