
mne.scale_labels(subject_to, pattern=None, overwrite=False, subject_from=None, scale=None, subjects_dir=None)[source]#

Scale labels to match a brain that was previously created by scaling.


Name of the scaled MRI subject (the destination brain).

patternstr | None

Pattern for finding the labels relative to the label directory in the MRI subject directory (e.g., “lh.BA3a.label” will scale “fsaverage/label/lh.BA3a.label”; “aparc/*.label” will find all labels in the “fsaverage/label/aparc” directory). With None, scale all labels.


Overwrite any label file that already exists for subject_to (otherwise existing labels are skipped).

subject_fromNone | str

Name of the original MRI subject (the brain that was scaled to create subject_to). If None, the value is read from subject_to’s cfg file.

scaleNone | float | array_like, shape = (3,)

Scaling parameter. If None, the value is read from subject_to’s cfg file.

subjects_dirNone | path-like

Override the SUBJECTS_DIR environment variable.