, eog=(), misc=(), ecg=(), emg=(), data_format='auto', date_format='mm/dd/yy', preload=False, verbose=None)[source]#

Read CNT data as raw object.


2d spatial coordinates (x, y) for EEG channels are read from the file header and fit to a sphere to compute corresponding z-coordinates. If channels assigned as EEG channels have locations far away from the head (i.e. x and y coordinates don’t fit to a sphere), all the channel locations will be distorted (all channels that are not assigned with keywords eog, ecg, emg and misc are assigned as EEG channels). If you are not sure that the channel locations in the header are correct, it is probably safer to replace them with Montages can be created/imported with:


Path to the data file.

eoglist | tuple | 'auto' | 'header'

Names of channels or list of indices that should be designated EOG channels. If ‘header’, VEOG and HEOG channels assigned in the file header are used. If 'auto', channel names containing 'EOG' are used. Defaults to empty tuple.

misclist | tuple

Names of channels or list of indices that should be designated MISC channels. Defaults to empty tuple.

ecglist | tuple | 'auto'

Names of channels or list of indices that should be designated ECG channels. If 'auto', the channel names containing 'ECG' are used. Defaults to empty tuple.

emglist | tuple

Names of channels or list of indices that should be designated EMG channels. If ‘auto’, the channel names containing ‘EMG’ are used. Defaults to empty tuple.

data_format'auto' | 'int16' | 'int32'

Defines the data format the data is read in. If 'auto', it is determined from the file header using numsamples field. Defaults to 'auto'.

date_format'mm/dd/yy' | 'dd/mm/yy'

Format of date in the header. Defaults to 'mm/dd/yy'.

preloadbool or str (default False)

Preload data into memory for data manipulation and faster indexing. If True, the data will be preloaded into memory (fast, requires large amount of memory). If preload is a string, preload is the file name of a memory-mapped file which is used to store the data on the hard drive (slower, requires less memory).

verbosebool | str | int | None

Control verbosity of the logging output. If None, use the default verbosity level. See the logging documentation and mne.verbose() for details. Should only be passed as a keyword argument.

rawinstance of RawCNT.

The raw data. See for documentation of attributes and methods.

See also

Documentation of attributes and methods of RawCNT.


New in v0.12.

Examples using

Importing data from EEG devices

Importing data from EEG devices