
mne.coreg.estimate_head_mri_t(subject, subjects_dir=None, verbose=None)[source]#

Estimate the head->mri transform from fsaverage fiducials.

A subject’s fiducials can be estimated given a Freesurfer recon-all by transforming fsaverage fiducials using the inverse Talairach transform, see mne.coreg.get_mni_fiducials().


The FreeSurfer subject name.

subjects_dirpath-like | None

The path to the directory containing the FreeSurfer subjects reconstructions. If None, defaults to the SUBJECTS_DIR environment variable.

verbosebool | str | int | None

Control verbosity of the logging output. If None, use the default verbosity level. See the logging documentation and mne.verbose() for details. Should only be passed as a keyword argument.

transstr | dict | instance of Transform

If str, the path to the head<->MRI transform *-trans.fif file produced during coregistration. Can also be 'fsaverage' to use the built-in fsaverage transformation.

Examples using mne.coreg.estimate_head_mri_t#

Locating intracranial electrode contacts

Locating intracranial electrode contacts

Locating intracranial electrode contacts
Working with sEEG data

Working with sEEG data

Working with sEEG data
How to convert 3D electrode positions to a 2D image

How to convert 3D electrode positions to a 2D image

How to convert 3D electrode positions to a 2D image