, daysback=None, keep_his=False, verbose=None)[source]#

Anonymize measurement information in place.


If info is part of an object like, you should directly use the method raw.anonymize() to ensure that all parts of the data are anonymized and stay synchronized (e.g., raw.annotations).


The mne.Info object with information about the sensors and methods of measurement.

daysbackint | None

Number of days to subtract from all dates. If None (default), the acquisition date, info['meas_date'], will be set to January 1ˢᵗ, 2000. This parameter is ignored if info['meas_date'] is None (i.e., no acquisition date has been set).


If True, his_id of subject_info will not be overwritten. Defaults to False.


This could mean that info is not fully anonymized. Use with caution.

verbosebool | str | int | None

Control verbosity of the logging output. If None, use the default verbosity level. See the logging documentation and mne.verbose() for details. Should only be passed as a keyword argument.

infoinstance of Info

The anonymized measurement information.


Removes potentially identifying information if it exists in info. Specifically for each of the following we use:

  • meas_date, file_id, meas_id

    A default value, or as specified by daysback.

  • subject_info

    Default values, except for ‘birthday’ which is adjusted to maintain the subject age.

  • experimenter, proj_name, description

    Default strings.

  • utc_offset


  • proj_id


  • proc_history

    Dates use the meas_date logic, and experimenter a default string.

  • helium_info, device_info

    Dates use the meas_date logic, meta info uses defaults.

If info['meas_date'] is None, it will remain None during processing the above fields.

Operates in place.

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