Importing Data from Eyetracking devices#

Eyetracking devices record a persons point of gaze, usually in relation to a screen. Typically, gaze position (also referred to as eye or pupil position) and pupil size are recorded as separate channels. This section describes how to read data from supported eyetracking manufacturers.

MNE-Python provides functions for reading eyetracking data. When possible, MNE-Python will internally convert and store eyetracking data according to an SI unit (for example radians for position data, and meters for pupil size).


If you have eye tracking data in a format that MNE does not support yet, you can try reading it using other tools and create an MNE object from a numpy array. Then you can use mne.preprocessing.eyetracking.set_channel_types_eyetrack() to assign the correct eyetrack channel types.

See also

Some MNE functions may not be available to eyetracking and other physiological data, because MNE does not consider them to be data channels. See the glossary for more information.