
mne_nirs.simulation.simulate_nirs_raw(sfreq=3.0, amplitude=1.0, annot_desc='A', sig_dur=300.0, stim_dur=5.0, isi_min=15.0, isi_max=45.0, ch_name='Simulated', hrf_model='glover')[source]#

Create simulated fNIRS data.

The returned data is of type hbo. One or more conditions can be simulated. To simulate multiple conditions pass in a description and amplitude for each amplitude=[0., 2., 4.], annot_desc=[‘Control’, ‘Cond_A’, ‘Cond_B’].


The sample rate.

amplitudeNumber, Array of numbers

The amplitude of the signal to simulate in uM. Pass in an array to simulate multiple conditions.

annot_descstr, Array of str

The name of the annotations for simulated amplitudes. Pass in an array to simulate multiple conditions, must be the same length as amplitude.


The length of the boxcar signal to generate in seconds that will be convolved with the HRF.

stim_durNumber, Array of numbers

The length of the stimulus to generate in seconds.


The minimum duration of the inter stimulus interval in seconds.


The maximum duration of the inter stimulus interval in seconds.


Channel name to be used in returned raw instance.


Specifies the hemodynamic response function. See nilearn docs.

rawinstance of Raw

The generated raw instance.

Examples using mne_nirs.simulation.simulate_nirs_raw#

GLM Analysis (Simulated)

GLM Analysis (Simulated)

Frequency and Filter Commentary

Frequency and Filter Commentary