
mne.make_fixed_length_events(raw, id=1, start=0, stop=None, duration=1.0, first_samp=True, overlap=0.0)[source]#

Make a set of events separated by a fixed duration.

rawinstance of Raw

A raw object to use the data from.


The id to use (default 1).


Time of first event (in seconds).

stopfloat | None

Maximum time of last event (in seconds). If None, events extend to the end of the recording.


The duration to separate events by (in seconds).


If True (default), times will have first_samp added to them, as in mne.find_events(). This behavior is not desirable if the returned events will be combined with event times that already have first_samp added to them, e.g. event times that come from mne.find_events().


The overlap between events (in seconds). Must be 0 <= overlap < duration.

New in version 0.18.

eventsarray of int, shape (n_events, 3)

The array of events. The first column contains the event time in samples, with first_samp included. The third column contains the event id.

Examples using mne.make_fixed_length_events#

Working with events

Working with events

Working with events
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Continuous Target Decoding with SPoC

Continuous Target Decoding with SPoC
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