Generate a custom 2D layout from xy points.
Generates a 2-D layout for plotting with plot_topo methods and functions. XY points will be normalized between 0 and 1, where normalization extremes will be either the min/max of xy, or the width/height of bg_image.
, shape (N, 2)The xy coordinates of sensor locations.
The width of each sensor’s axis (between 0 and 1).
The height of each sensor’s axis (between 0 and 1).
Portion of the box to reserve for padding. The value can range between 0.0 (boxes will touch, default) to 1.0 (boxes consist of only padding).
The names of each channel. Must be a list of strings, with one string per channel.
Index of each channel - must be a collection of unique integers, one index per channel.
The name of this layout type.
| ndarray
The image over which sensor axes will be plotted. Either a path to an image file, or an array that can be plotted with plt.imshow. If provided, xy points will be normalized by the width/height of this image. If not, xy points will be normalized by their own min/max.
Whether to normalize the coordinates to run from 0 to 1. Defaults to True.
A Layout object that can be plotted with plot_topo functions and methods.
See also
New in version 0.9.0.