
mne.viz.plot_projs_joint(projs, evoked, picks_trace=None, *, topomap_kwargs=None, show=True, verbose=None)[source]#

Plot projectors and evoked jointly.

projslist of Projection

The projectors to plot.

evokedinstance of Evoked

The data to plot. Typically this is the evoked instance created from averaging the epochs used to create the projection.

picks_tracestr | list | slice | None

Channels to show alongside the projected time courses. Typically these are the ground-truth channels for an artifact (e.g., 'eog' or 'ecg'). Slices and lists of integers will be interpreted as channel indices. In lists, channel type strings (e.g., ['meg', 'eeg']) will pick channels of those types, channel name strings (e.g., ['MEG0111', 'MEG2623'] will pick the given channels. Can also be the string values “all” to pick all channels, or “data” to pick data channels. None (default) will pick no channels.

topomap_kwargsdict | None

Keyword arguments to pass to mne.viz.plot_projs_topomap().


Show the figure if True.

verbosebool | str | int | None

Control verbosity of the logging output. If None, use the default verbosity level. See the logging documentation and mne.verbose() for details. Should only be passed as a keyword argument.

figinstance of matplotlib Figure

The figure.


This function creates a figure with three columns:

  1. The left shows the evoked data traces before (black) and after (green) projection.

  2. The center shows the topomaps associated with each of the projectors.

  3. The right again shows the data traces (black), but this time with:

    1. The data projected onto each projector with a single normalization factor (solid lines). This is useful for seeing the relative power in each projection vector.

    2. The data projected onto each projector with individual normalization factors (dashed lines). This is useful for visualizing each time course regardless of its power.

    3. Additional data traces from picks_trace (solid yellow lines). This is useful for visualizing the “ground truth” of the time course, e.g. the measured EOG or ECG channel time courses.

New in version 1.1.

Examples using mne.viz.plot_projs_joint#

Repairing artifacts with SSP

Repairing artifacts with SSP

Repairing artifacts with SSP