Create a SourceMorph from one subject to another.
Method is based on spherical morphing by FreeSurfer for surface cortical estimates [1] and Symmetric Diffeomorphic Registration for volumic data [2].
| instance of SourceEstimate
The SourceSpaces of subject_from (can be a SourceEstimate if only using a surface source space).
| None
Name of the original subject as named in the SUBJECTS_DIR.
If None (default), then src[0]['subject_his_id]'
will be used.
| None
Name of the subject to which to morph as named in the SUBJECTS_DIR.
Default is 'fsaverage'
. If None, src_to[0]['subject_his_id']
will be used.
Changed in version 0.20: Support for subject_to=None.
The path to the directory containing the FreeSurfer subjects
reconstructions. If None
, defaults to the SUBJECTS_DIR
| tuple
| str
| None
The voxel size of volume for each spatial dimension in mm.
If spacing is None, MRIs won’t be resliced, and both volumes
must have the same number of spatial dimensions.
Can also be 'auto'
to use 5.
if src_to is None
the zooms from src_to
Changed in version 0.20: Support for ‘auto’ mode.
of int
Number of levels (len(niter_affine)
) and number of
iterations per level - for each successive stage of iterative
refinement - to perform the affine transform.
Default is niter_affine=(100, 100, 10).
of int
Number of levels (len(niter_sdr)
) and number of
iterations per level - for each successive stage of iterative
refinement - to perform the Symmetric Diffeomorphic Registration (sdr)
transform. Default is niter_sdr=(5, 5, 3).
| list
| None
The resolution of the icosahedral mesh (typically 5).
If None, all vertices will be used (potentially filling the
surface). If a list, then values will be morphed to the set of
vertices specified in in spacing[0]
and spacing[1]
This will be ignored if src_to
is supplied.
Changed in version 0.21: src_to, if provided, takes precedence.
| str
| None
Number of iterations for the smoothing of the surface data.
If None, smooth is automatically defined to fill the surface
with non-zero values. Can also be 'nearest'
to use the nearest
vertices on the surface (requires SciPy >= 1.3).
Changed in version 0.20: Added support for ‘nearest’.
If True, warn if not all vertices were used. The default is warn=True.
Morph across hemisphere. Currently only implemented for
subject_to == subject_from
. See notes below.
The default is xhemi=False.
Morph as a sparse source estimate. Works only with (Vector) SourceEstimate. If True the only parameters used are subject_to and subject_from, and spacing has to be None. Default is sparse=False.
| None
The destination source space.
For surface-based morphing, this is the preferred over spacing
for providing the vertices.
For volumetric morphing, this should be passed so that 1) the resultingmorph volume is properly constrained to the brain volume, and 2) STCs from multiple subjects morphed to the same destination subject/source space have the vertices.
For mixed (surface + volume) morphing, this is required.
New in version 0.20.
If True (default False), compute the sparse matrix representation of
the volumetric morph (if present). This takes a long time to
compute, but can make morphs faster when thousands of points are used.
See mne.SourceMorph.compute_vol_morph_mat()
(which can be called
later if desired) for more information.
New in version 0.22.
| int
| None
Control verbosity of the logging output. If None
, use the default
verbosity level. See the logging documentation and
for details. Should only be passed as a keyword
The mne.SourceMorph
This function can be used to morph surface data between hemispheres by
setting xhemi=True
. The full cross-hemisphere morph matrix maps left
to right and right to left. A matrix for cross-mapping only one hemisphere
can be constructed by specifying the appropriate vertices, for example, to
map the right hemisphere to the left:
vertices_from=[[], vert_rh], vertices_to=[vert_lh, []]
Cross-hemisphere mapping requires appropriate sphere.left_right
morph-maps in the subject’s directory. These morph maps are included
with the fsaverage_sym
FreeSurfer subject, and can be created for other
subjects with the mris_left_right_register
FreeSurfer command. The
subject is included with FreeSurfer > 5.1 and can be
obtained as described here. For statistical
comparisons between hemispheres, use of the symmetric fsaverage_sym
model is recommended to minimize bias [1].
New in version 0.17.0.
New in version 0.21.0: Support for morphing mixed source estimates.
#Permutation t-test on source data with spatio-temporal clustering
2 samples permutation test on source data with spatio-temporal clustering
Repeated measures ANOVA on source data with spatio-temporal clustering
Compute sparse inverse solution with mixed norm: MxNE and irMxNE