

Standardize channel positions and names.

rawinstance of Raw

The raw data to standardize. Operates in-place.

Examples using mne.datasets.eegbci.standardize#

Repairing artifacts with ICA

Repairing artifacts with ICA

Repairing artifacts with ICA
Identify EEG Electrodes Bridged by too much Gel

Identify EEG Electrodes Bridged by too much Gel

Identify EEG Electrodes Bridged by too much Gel
Removing muscle ICA components

Removing muscle ICA components

Removing muscle ICA components
Motor imagery decoding from EEG data using the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP)

Motor imagery decoding from EEG data using the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP)

Motor imagery decoding from EEG data using the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP)