
mne.viz.plot_ica_sources(ica, inst, picks=None, start=None, stop=None, title=None, show=True, block=False, show_first_samp=False, show_scrollbars=True, time_format='float', precompute=None, use_opengl=None, *, theme=None, overview_mode=None)[source]#

Plot estimated latent sources given the unmixing matrix.

Typical usecases:

  1. plot evolution of latent sources over time based on (Raw input)

  2. plot latent source around event related time windows (Epochs input)

  3. plot time-locking in ICA space (Evoked input)

icainstance of mne.preprocessing.ICA

The ICA solution.

instinstance of, mne.Epochs, mne.Evoked

The object to plot the sources from.

picksint | list of int | slice | None

Indices of the independent components (ICs) to visualize. If an integer, represents the index of the IC to pick. Multiple ICs can be selected using a list of int or a slice. The indices are 0-indexed, so picks=1 will pick the second IC: ICA001. None (default) will pick all sources in the order fitted.

start, stopfloat | int | None

If inst is a Raw or an Evoked object, the first and last time point (in seconds) of the data to plot. If inst is a Raw object, start=None and stop=None will be translated into start=0. and stop=3., respectively. For Evoked, None refers to the beginning and end of the evoked signal. If inst is an Epochs object, specifies the index of the first and last epoch to show.

titlestr | None

The window title. If None a default is provided.


Show figure if True.


Whether to halt program execution until the figure is closed. Useful for interactive selection of components in raw and epoch plotter. For evoked, this parameter has no effect. Defaults to False.


If True, show time axis relative to the raw.first_samp.


Whether to show scrollbars when the plot is initialized. Can be toggled after initialization by pressing z (“zen mode”) while the plot window is focused. Default is True.

New in version 0.19.0.

time_format‘float’ | ‘clock’

Style of time labels on the horizontal axis. If 'float', labels will be number of seconds from the start of the recording. If 'clock', labels will show “clock time” (hours/minutes/seconds) inferred from['meas_date']. Default is 'float'.

New in version 0.24.

precomputebool | str

Whether to load all data (not just the visible portion) into RAM and apply preprocessing (e.g., projectors) to the full data array in a separate processor thread, instead of window-by-window during scrolling. The default None uses the MNE_BROWSER_PRECOMPUTE variable, which defaults to 'auto'. 'auto' compares available RAM space to the expected size of the precomputed data, and precomputes only if enough RAM is available. This is only used with the Qt backend.

New in version 0.24.

Changed in version 1.0: Support for the MNE_BROWSER_PRECOMPUTE config variable.

use_openglbool | None

Whether to use OpenGL when rendering the plot (requires pyopengl). May increase performance, but effect is dependent on system CPU and graphics hardware. Only works if using the Qt backend. Default is None, which will use False unless the user configuration variable MNE_BROWSER_USE_OPENGL is set to 'true', see mne.set_config().

New in version 0.24.

themestr | path-like

Can be “auto”, “light”, or “dark” or a path-like to a custom stylesheet. For Dark-Mode and automatic Dark-Mode-Detection, qdarkstyle and darkdetect, respectively, are required. If None (default), the config option MNE_BROWSER_THEME will be used, defaulting to “auto” if it’s not found. Only supported by the 'qt' backend.

New in version 1.0.

overview_modestr | None

Can be “channels”, “empty”, or “hidden” to set the overview bar mode for the 'qt' backend. If None (default), the config option MNE_BROWSER_OVERVIEW_MODE will be used, defaulting to “channels” if it’s not found.

New in version 1.1.

figmatplotlib.figure.Figure | mne_qt_browser.figure.MNEQtBrowser

Browser instance.


For raw and epoch instances, it is possible to select components for exclusion by clicking on the line. The selected components are added to ica.exclude on close.

New in version 0.10.0.