
mne.pick_types(info, meg=False, eeg=False, stim=False, eog=False, ecg=False, emg=False, ref_meg='auto', misc=False, resp=False, chpi=False, exci=False, ias=False, syst=False, seeg=False, dipole=False, gof=False, bio=False, ecog=False, fnirs=False, csd=False, dbs=False, include=(), exclude='bads', selection=None)[source]#

Pick channels by type and names.


The mne.Info object with information about the sensors and methods of measurement.

megbool | str

If True include MEG channels. If string it can be ‘mag’, ‘grad’, ‘planar1’ or ‘planar2’ to select only magnetometers, all gradiometers, or a specific type of gradiometer.


If True include EEG channels.


If True include stimulus channels.


If True include EOG channels.


If True include ECG channels.


If True include EMG channels.

ref_megbool | str

If True include CTF / 4D reference channels. If ‘auto’, reference channels are included if compensations are present and meg is not False. Can also be the string options for the meg parameter.


If True include miscellaneous analog channels.


If True include response-trigger channel. For some MEG systems this is separate from the stim channel.


If True include continuous HPI coil channels.


Flux excitation channel used to be a stimulus channel.


Internal Active Shielding data (maybe on Triux only).


System status channel information (on Triux systems only).


Stereotactic EEG channels.


Dipole time course channels.


Dipole goodness of fit channels.


Bio channels.


Electrocorticography channels.

fnirsbool | str

Functional near-infrared spectroscopy channels. If True include all fNIRS channels. If False (default) include none. If string it can be ‘hbo’ (to include channels measuring oxyhemoglobin) or ‘hbr’ (to include channels measuring deoxyhemoglobin).


Current source density channels.


Deep brain stimulation channels.

includelist of str

List of additional channels to include. If empty do not include any.

excludelist of str | str

List of channels to exclude. If ‘bads’ (default), exclude channels in info['bads'].

selectionlist of str

Restrict sensor channels (MEG, EEG) to this list of channel names.

selarray of int

Indices of good channels.

Examples using mne.pick_types#

The Info data structure

The Info data structure

The Info data structure
Working with sensor locations

Working with sensor locations

Working with sensor locations
The Raw data structure: continuous data

The Raw data structure: continuous data

The Raw data structure: continuous data
Overview of artifact detection

Overview of artifact detection

Overview of artifact detection
Handling bad channels

Handling bad channels

Handling bad channels
Rejecting bad data spans and breaks

Rejecting bad data spans and breaks

Rejecting bad data spans and breaks
Filtering and resampling data

Filtering and resampling data

Filtering and resampling data
Repairing artifacts with regression

Repairing artifacts with regression

Repairing artifacts with regression
Repairing artifacts with SSP

Repairing artifacts with SSP

Repairing artifacts with SSP
Preprocessing functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data

Preprocessing functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data

Preprocessing functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data
Frequency and time-frequency sensor analysis

Frequency and time-frequency sensor analysis

Frequency and time-frequency sensor analysis
Frequency-tagging: Basic analysis of an SSVEP/vSSR dataset

Frequency-tagging: Basic analysis of an SSVEP/vSSR dataset

Frequency-tagging: Basic analysis of an SSVEP/vSSR dataset
Non-parametric 1 sample cluster statistic on single trial power

Non-parametric 1 sample cluster statistic on single trial power

Non-parametric 1 sample cluster statistic on single trial power
Non-parametric between conditions cluster statistic on single trial power

Non-parametric between conditions cluster statistic on single trial power

Non-parametric between conditions cluster statistic on single trial power
Mass-univariate twoway repeated measures ANOVA on single trial power

Mass-univariate twoway repeated measures ANOVA on single trial power

Mass-univariate twoway repeated measures ANOVA on single trial power
Spatiotemporal permutation F-test on full sensor data

Spatiotemporal permutation F-test on full sensor data

Spatiotemporal permutation F-test on full sensor data
Permutation t-test on source data with spatio-temporal clustering

Permutation t-test on source data with spatio-temporal clustering

Permutation t-test on source data with spatio-temporal clustering
Repeated measures ANOVA on source data with spatio-temporal clustering

Repeated measures ANOVA on source data with spatio-temporal clustering

Repeated measures ANOVA on source data with spatio-temporal clustering
DICS for power mapping

DICS for power mapping

DICS for power mapping
Generate simulated evoked data

Generate simulated evoked data

Generate simulated evoked data
Cortical Signal Suppression (CSS) for removal of cortical signals

Cortical Signal Suppression (CSS) for removal of cortical signals

Cortical Signal Suppression (CSS) for removal of cortical signals
Define target events based on time lag, plot evoked response

Define target events based on time lag, plot evoked response

Define target events based on time lag, plot evoked response
Show EOG artifact timing

Show EOG artifact timing

Show EOG artifact timing
Find MEG reference channel artifacts

Find MEG reference channel artifacts

Find MEG reference channel artifacts
XDAWN Denoising

XDAWN Denoising

XDAWN Denoising
Plotting topographic arrowmaps of evoked data

Plotting topographic arrowmaps of evoked data

Plotting topographic arrowmaps of evoked data
Plot custom topographies for MEG sensors

Plot custom topographies for MEG sensors

Plot custom topographies for MEG sensors
Compute a cross-spectral density (CSD) matrix

Compute a cross-spectral density (CSD) matrix

Compute a cross-spectral density (CSD) matrix
Compute Power Spectral Density of inverse solution from single epochs

Compute Power Spectral Density of inverse solution from single epochs

Compute Power Spectral Density of inverse solution from single epochs
Compute power and phase lock in label of the source space

Compute power and phase lock in label of the source space

Compute power and phase lock in label of the source space
Compute source power spectral density (PSD) in a label

Compute source power spectral density (PSD) in a label

Compute source power spectral density (PSD) in a label
Compute induced power in the source space with dSPM

Compute induced power in the source space with dSPM

Compute induced power in the source space with dSPM
Temporal whitening with AR model

Temporal whitening with AR model

Temporal whitening with AR model
Permutation F-test on sensor data with 1D cluster level

Permutation F-test on sensor data with 1D cluster level

Permutation F-test on sensor data with 1D cluster level
FDR correction on T-test on sensor data

FDR correction on T-test on sensor data

FDR correction on T-test on sensor data
Regression on continuous data (rER[P/F])

Regression on continuous data (rER[P/F])

Regression on continuous data (rER[P/F])
Permutation T-test on sensor data

Permutation T-test on sensor data

Permutation T-test on sensor data
Motor imagery decoding from EEG data using the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP)

Motor imagery decoding from EEG data using the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP)

Motor imagery decoding from EEG data using the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP)
Representational Similarity Analysis

Representational Similarity Analysis

Representational Similarity Analysis
Decoding source space data

Decoding source space data

Decoding source space data
Decoding sensor space data with generalization across time and conditions

Decoding sensor space data with generalization across time and conditions

Decoding sensor space data with generalization across time and conditions
Analysis of evoked response using ICA and PCA reduction techniques

Analysis of evoked response using ICA and PCA reduction techniques

Analysis of evoked response using ICA and PCA reduction techniques
XDAWN Decoding From EEG data

XDAWN Decoding From EEG data

XDAWN Decoding From EEG data
Compute effect-matched-spatial filtering (EMS)

Compute effect-matched-spatial filtering (EMS)

Compute effect-matched-spatial filtering (EMS)
Display sensitivity maps for EEG and MEG sensors

Display sensitivity maps for EEG and MEG sensors

Display sensitivity maps for EEG and MEG sensors
Use source space morphing

Use source space morphing

Use source space morphing
Compute MNE-dSPM inverse solution on single epochs

Compute MNE-dSPM inverse solution on single epochs

Compute MNE-dSPM inverse solution on single epochs
Compute evoked ERS source power using DICS, LCMV beamformer, and dSPM

Compute evoked ERS source power using DICS, LCMV beamformer, and dSPM

Compute evoked ERS source power using DICS, LCMV beamformer, and dSPM
Compute cross-talk functions for LCMV beamformers

Compute cross-talk functions for LCMV beamformers

Compute cross-talk functions for LCMV beamformers
Brainstorm raw (median nerve) dataset

Brainstorm raw (median nerve) dataset

Brainstorm raw (median nerve) dataset
Optically pumped magnetometer (OPM) data

Optically pumped magnetometer (OPM) data

Optically pumped magnetometer (OPM) data
From raw data to dSPM on SPM Faces dataset

From raw data to dSPM on SPM Faces dataset

From raw data to dSPM on SPM Faces dataset