Visualization routines.
Class for visualizing a brain. |
Display an image so you can click on it and store x/y positions. |
Class that refers to a 3D figure. |
Add a background image to a plot. |
Convert center points to edges. |
Compare the contents of two fiff files using diff and show_fiff. |
Create layout arranging nodes on a circle. |
Create iterator over channel positions. |
Return a colormap similar to that used by mne_analyze. |
Plot BEM contours on anatomical MRI slices. |
Plot a colorbar that corresponds to a brain activation map. |
Topoplot electrode distance matrix with bridged electrodes connected. |
Plot time-varying SNR estimates of the HPI coils. |
Plot Covariance data. |
Plot labels for each channel in a circle plot. |
Plot channel adjacency. |
Plot CSD matrices. |
Plot the amplitude traces of a set of dipoles. |
Plot dipole locations. |
Show the channel stats based on a drop_log from Epochs. |
Visualize epochs. |
Plot the topomap of the power spectral density across epochs. |
Plot events to get a visual display of the paradigm. |
Plot evoked data using butterfly plots. |
Plot evoked data as images. |
Plot 2D topography of evoked responses. |
Plot topographic maps of specific time points of evoked data. |
Plot evoked data as butterfly plot and add topomaps for time points. |
Plot MEG/EEG fields on head surface and helmet in 3D. |
Plot whitened evoked response. |
Plot properties of a filter. |
Plot head positions. |
Plot an ideal filter response. |
Plot evoked time courses for one or more conditions and/or channels. |
Plot estimated latent sources given the unmixing matrix. |
Project mixing matrix on interpolated sensor topography. |
Display component properties. |
Plot scores related to detected components. |
Overlay of raw and cleaned signals given the unmixing matrix. |
Plot Event Related Potential / Fields image. |
Plot the sensor positions. |
Plot a montage. |
Plot topographic maps of SSP projections. |
Plot projectors and evoked jointly. |
Plot raw data. |
Plot the power spectral density across channels. |
Plot sensors positions. |
Plot a data SNR estimate. |
Plot SourceEstimate. |
Plot multiple SourceEstimate objects with PyVista. |
Plot Nutmeg style volumetric source estimates using nilearn. |
Plot VectorSourceEstimate with PyVista. |
Plot source estimates obtained with sparse solver. |
Plot topographic maps of specific time-frequency intervals of TFR data. |
Plot Event Related Potential / Fields image on topographies. |
Plot a topographic map as image. |
Plot head, sensor, and source space alignment in 3D. |
Take a snapshot of a PyVista Scene and project channels onto 2d coords. |
Plot arrow map. |
Set the 3D backend for MNE. |
Return the 3D backend currently used. |
Create a 3d visualization context using the designated backend. |
Set 3D rendering options. |
Configure the view of the given scene. |
Configure the title of the given scene. |
Return an empty figure based on the current 3d backend. |
Close the given scene. |
Close all the scenes of the current 3d backend. |
Return the proper Brain class based on the current 3d backend. |
Set the 2D browser backend for MNE. |
Return the 2D backend currently used. |
Create a 2D browser visualization context using the designated backend. |