Plot head positions.
, shape (n_pos, 10) | list
of ndarray
The head position data. Can also be a list to treat as a concatenation of runs.
Can be ‘traces’ (default) to show position and quaternion traces, or ‘field’ to show the position as a vector field over time.
Colormap to use for the trace plot, default is “viridis”.
Can be any combination of “x”, “y”, or “z” (default: “z”) to show directional axes in “field” mode.
Show figure if True. Defaults to True.
| array-like, shape (3,) | None
The destination location for the head, assumed to be in head
coordinates. See mne.preprocessing.maxwell_filter()
New in version 0.16.
| None
The mne.Info
object with information about the sensors and methods of measurement. If provided, will be used to show the destination position when
destination is None
, and for showing the MEG sensors.
New in version 0.16.
The color to use for lines in mode == 'traces'
and quiver
arrows in mode == 'field'
New in version 0.16.
The matplotlib axes to use. Only used for mode == 'traces'
New in version 0.16.
The figure.
#Signal-space separation (SSS) and Maxwell filtering
Annotate movement artifacts and reestimate dev_head_t