- mne.stats.fdr_correction(pvals, alpha=0.05, method='indep')[source]#
P-value correction with False Discovery Rate (FDR).
Correction for multiple comparison using FDR [1].
This covers Benjamini/Hochberg for independent or positively correlated and Benjamini/Yekutieli for general or negatively correlated tests.
- Parameters:
- pvalsarray_like
Set of p-values of the individual tests.
- alpha
Error rate.
- method‘indep’ | ‘negcorr’
If ‘indep’ it implements Benjamini/Hochberg for independent or if ‘negcorr’ it corresponds to Benjamini/Yekutieli.
- Returns:
Examples using mne.stats.fdr_correction

Analysing continuous features with binning and regression in sensor space
Analysing continuous features with binning and regression in sensor space

Mass-univariate twoway repeated measures ANOVA on single trial power
Mass-univariate twoway repeated measures ANOVA on single trial power