File I/O#
Get channel type. |
Get indices of channels by type. |
Load the subject head surface. |
Load the MEG helmet associated with the MEG sensors. |
Return a list of names and colors of segmented volumes. |
Return a list of Label of segmented volumes included in the src space. |
Parse a config file (like .ave and .cov files). |
Read labels from a FreeSurfer annotation file. |
Read the BEM solution from a file. |
Read the BEM surfaces from a FIF file. |
Read a noise covariance from a FIF file. |
Read a dipole object from a file. |
Read epochs from a fif file. |
Reader function for Ricoh/KIT epochs files. |
Reader function for EEGLAB epochs files. |
Load epoched data from a FieldTrip preprocessing structure. |
Read events from fif or text file. |
Read evoked dataset(s). |
Reader function for BESA |
Load evoked data from a FieldTrip timelocked structure. |
Read averaged MFF file as EvokedArray or list of EvokedArray. |
Read a Freesurfer-formatted LUT. |
Read a forward solution a.k.a. |
Read FreeSurfer Label file. |
Read morph map. |
Read projections from a FIF file. |
Read rejection parameters from .cov or .ave config file. |
Read a source estimate object. |
Read the source spaces from a FIF file. |
Load a Freesurfer surface mesh in triangular format. |
Read a |
Read triangle definitions from an ascii file. |
Create a FreeSurfer annotation from a list of labels. |
Write a BEM model with solution. |
Write BEM surfaces to a FIF file. |
Write a head surface to a FIF file. |
Write a noise covariance matrix. |
Write events to file. |
Write an evoked dataset to a file. |
Write forward solution to a file. |
Write a FreeSurfer label. |
Write projections to a FIF file. |
Write source spaces to a file. |
Write a triangular Freesurfer surface mesh. |
Write a transformation FIF file. |
Try to determine the type of the FIF file. |
Read measurement info from a file. |
Write measurement info in fif file. |
Show FIFF information. |
Return all known channel types, and associated FIFF constants. |
Base class:
Abstract base class for |