- mne.sys_info(fid=None, show_paths=False, *, dependencies='user', unicode='auto', check_version=True)[source]#
Print system information.
This function prints system information useful when triaging bugs.
- Parameters:
- fidfile-like |
The file to write to. Will be passed to
. Can be None to usesys.stdout
.- show_pathsbool
If True, print paths for each module.
- dependencies‘user’ | ‘developer’
Show dependencies relevant for users (default) or for developers (i.e., output includes additional dependencies).
- unicodebool | “auto”
Include Unicode symbols in output. If “auto”, corresponds to True on Linux and macOS, and False on Windows.
New in v0.24.
- check_versionbool |
If True (default), attempt to check that the version of MNE-Python is up to date with the latest release on GitHub. Can be a float to give a different timeout (in sec) from the default (2 sec).
New in v1.6.
- fidfile-like |