Source Space Data#
A freesurfer/MNE label with vertices in both hemispheres. |
A FreeSurfer/MNE label with vertices restricted to one hemisphere. |
Container for mixed surface and volume source estimates. |
Container for volume source estimates. |
Container for surface source estimates. |
Container for vector surface source estimates. |
Container for volume source estimates. |
Container for volume source estimates. |
Morph source space data from one subject to another. |
Create a SourceMorph from one subject to another. |
Extract label time course for lists of labels and source estimates. |
Get tris defined for a certain grade. |
Convert a grade to source space vertices for a given subject. |
Select sources from a label. |
Generate circular labels in source space with region growing. |
Compute sign for label averaging. |
Convert a set of labels and values to a STC. |
Morph a set of labels. |
Generate random cortex parcellation by growing labels. |
Read labels from a FreeSurfer annotation file. |
Read a dipole object from a file. |
Read FreeSurfer Label file. |
Read a source estimate object. |
Load the morph for source estimates from a file. |
Split a Label into two or more parts. |
Compute a label from the non-zero sources in an stc object. |
Create a STC from ECoG, sEEG and DBS sensor data. |
Transform surface to the desired coordinate system. |
Create a FreeSurfer annotation from a list of labels. |
Write a FreeSurfer label. |
Compute distances between vertices and sensors. |
Get the decimated surfaces from a source space. |