Command line tools using Python#

mne anonymize#

Anonymize raw fif file.#

Usage: mne anonymize [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-f FILE, --file=FILE

Name of file to modify.

-o OUTFILE, --output=OUTFILE

Name of anonymized output file.`anon-` prefix is added to FILE if not given


Keep the HIS tag (not advised)

-d N_DAYS, --daysback=N_DAYS

Move dates in file backwards by this many days.


Overwrite input file.

To anonymize other file types call on their Info objects and resave to disk.


$ mne anonymize -f sample_audvis_raw.fif

mne browse_raw#

Browse raw data.#

Usage: mne browse_raw raw [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Input raw FIF file (can also be specified directly as an argument without the –raw prefix)


Projector file


Disable all projectors


Events file

-d DURATION, --duration=DURATION

Time window for plotting (s)

-t START, --start=START

Initial start time for plotting

-n N_CHANNELS, --n_channels=N_CHANNELS

Number of channels to plot at a time

-o GROUP_BY, --order=GROUP_BY

Order to use for grouping during plotting (‘type’ or ‘original’)

-p, --preload

Preload raw data (for faster navigation)

-s SHOW_OPTIONS, --show_options=SHOW_OPTIONS

Show projection options dialog


Allow loading MaxShield processed data


Display high-pass filter corner frequency


Display low-pass filter corner frequency


Display filtering IIR order (or 0 to use FIR)


Enable trace clipping mode. Can be ‘clamp’, ‘transparent’, a float, or ‘none’.


Enable filtering cHPI signals.


Plot in butterfly mode


Enable verbose mode (printing of log messages).

This uses so it supports the same formats (without keyword arguments).


$ mne browse_raw sample_audvis_raw.fif \
                 --proj sample_audvis_ecg-proj.fif \
                 --eve sample_audvis_raw-eve.fif

mne bti2fiff#

Import BTi / 4D MagnesWH3600 data to fif file.#

Usage: mne bti2fiff [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-p FILE, --pdf=FILE

Input data file name

-c FILE, --config=FILE

Input config file name


Headshape file name

-o OUT_FNAME, --out_fname=OUT_FNAME

Name of the resulting fiff file

-r ROTATION_X, --rotation_x=ROTATION_X

Compensatory rotation about Neuromag x axis, deg


Default translation, meter


4D ECG channel name


4D EOG channel names


  1. Currently direct inclusion of reference channel weights is not supported. Please use ‘mne_create_comp_data’ to include the weights or use the low level functions from this module to include them by yourself.

  2. The informed guess for the 4D name is E31 for the ECG channel and E63, E63 for the EOG channels. Please check and adjust if those channels are present in your dataset but ‘ECG 01’ and ‘EOG 01’, ‘EOG 02’ don’t appear in the channel names of the raw object.


$ mne bti2fiff --pdf C,rfDC -o my_raw.fif

mne clean_eog_ecg#

Clean a raw file from EOG and ECG artifacts with PCA (ie SSP).#

Usage: mne clean_eog_ecg [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-i FILE, --in=FILE

Input raw FIF file

-o FILE, --out=FILE

Output raw FIF file

-e, --no-eog

Remove EOG

-c, --no-ecg

Remove ECG

-q, --quiet

Suppress mne_process_raw output


$ mne clean_eog_ecg -i in_raw.fif -o clean_raw.fif -e -c

mne compare_fiff#

Compare FIFF files.#

Usage: mne compare_fiff <file_a> <file_b>



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


$ mne compare_fiff test_raw.fif test_raw_sss.fif

mne compute_proj_ecg#

Compute SSP/PCA projections for ECG artifacts.#

Usage: mne compute_proj_ecg [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-i FILE, --in=FILE

Input raw FIF file


Time before event in seconds


Time after event in seconds

-g N_GRAD, --n-grad=N_GRAD

Number of SSP vectors for gradiometers

-m N_MAG, --n-mag=N_MAG

Number of SSP vectors for magnetometers

-e N_EEG, --n-eeg=N_EEG

Number of SSP vectors for EEG


Filter low cut-off frequency in Hz


Filter high cut-off frequency in Hz


Filter low cut-off frequency in Hz used for ECG event detection


Filter high cut-off frequency in Hz used for ECG event detection

-p PRELOAD, --preload=PRELOAD

Temporary file used during computation (to save memory)

-a, --average

Compute SSP after averaging


Use SSP projections from a fif file.


Number of taps to use for filtering

-j N_JOBS, --n-jobs=N_JOBS

Number of jobs to run in parallel

-c CH_NAME, --channel=CH_NAME

Channel to use for ECG detection (Required if no ECG found)


Gradiometers rejection parameter in fT/cm (peak to peak amplitude)


Magnetometers rejection parameter in fT (peak to peak amplitude)


EEG rejection parameter in µV (peak to peak amplitude)


EOG rejection parameter in µV (peak to peak amplitude)


Add EEG average reference proj


Exclude the SSP projectors currently in the fiff file


Text file containing bad channels list (one per line)


ID to use for events


raw file to use for event detection


Start artifact detection after tstart seconds


QRS detection threshold. Between 0 and 1. Can also be ‘auto’ for automatic selection


$ mne compute_proj_ecg -i sample_audvis_raw.fif -c "MEG 1531" -a \
                       --l-freq 1 --h-freq 100 \
                       --rej-grad 3000 --rej-mag 4000 --rej-eeg 100

mne compute_proj_eog#

Compute SSP/PCA projections for EOG artifacts.#

Usage: mne compute_proj_eog [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-i FILE, --in=FILE

Input raw FIF file


Time before event in seconds


Time after event in seconds

-g N_GRAD, --n-grad=N_GRAD

Number of SSP vectors for gradiometers

-m N_MAG, --n-mag=N_MAG

Number of SSP vectors for magnetometers

-e N_EEG, --n-eeg=N_EEG

Number of SSP vectors for EEG


Filter low cut-off frequency in Hz


Filter high cut-off frequency in Hz


Filter low cut-off frequency in Hz used for EOG event detection


Filter high cut-off frequency in Hz used for EOG event detection

-p PRELOAD, --preload=PRELOAD

Temporary file used during computation (to save memory)

-a, --average

Compute SSP after averaging


Use SSP projections from a fif file.


Number of taps to use for filtering

-j N_JOBS, --n-jobs=N_JOBS

Number of jobs to run in parallel


Gradiometers rejection parameter in fT/cm (peak to peak amplitude)


Magnetometers rejection parameter in fT (peak to peak amplitude)


EEG rejection parameter in µV (peak to peak amplitude)


EOG rejection parameter in µV (peak to peak amplitude)


Add EEG average reference proj


Exclude the SSP projectors currently in the fiff file


Text file containing bad channels list (one per line)


ID to use for events


raw file to use for event detection


Start artifact detection after tstart seconds

-c CH_NAME, --channel=CH_NAME

Custom EOG channel(s), comma separated


$ mne compute_proj_eog -i sample_audvis_raw.fif -a \
                       --l-freq 1 --h-freq 35 \
                       --rej-grad 3000 --rej-mag 4000 --rej-eeg 100


$ mne compute_proj_eog -i sample_audvis_raw.fif -a \
                       --l-freq 1 --h-freq 35 \
                       --rej-grad 3000 --rej-mag 4000 --rej-eeg 100 \
                       --proj sample_audvis_ecg-proj.fif

to exclude ECG artifacts from projection computation.

mne coreg#

Open the coregistration GUI.#

Usage: mne coreg [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-d SUBJECTS_DIR, --subjects-dir=SUBJECTS_DIR

Subjects directory

-s SUBJECT, --subject=SUBJECT

Subject name

-f INST, --fiff=INST

FIFF file with digitizer data for coregistration


The opacity of the head surface, in the range [0, 1].


Use a high-resolution head surface.


Use a low-resolution head surface.


Head<->MRI transform FIF file (“-trans.fif”)


Interaction style to use, can be “trackball” or “terrain”.


Enable verbose mode (printing of log messages).


$ mne coreg

mne flash_bem#

Create 3-layer BEM model from Flash MRI images.#

Usage: mne flash_bem [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-s SUBJECT, --subject=SUBJECT

Subject name

-d SUBJECTS_DIR, --subjects-dir=SUBJECTS_DIR

Subjects directory

-3, --flash30, --noflash30

The 30-degree flip angle data. If no argument do not use flash30. If arguments are given, them as file names.

-5, --flash5

Path to the multiecho flash 5 images. Can be one file or one per echo.

-r, --registered

Set if the Flash MRI images have already been registered with the T1.mgz file.

-u, --unwarp

Run grad_unwarp with -unwarp <type> option on each of the converted data sets

-o, --overwrite

Write over existing .surf files in bem folder

-v, --view

Show BEM model in 3D for visual inspection


Use copies instead of symlinks for surfaces


$ mne flash_bem --subject=sample
$ mne flash_bem -s sample -n --registered -5 sample/mri/mef05.mgz -3 sample/mri/mef30.mgz
$ mne flash_bem -s sample -n --registered -5 sample/mri/flash/mef05_*.mgz -3 sample/mri/flash/mef30_*.mgz


This program assumes that FreeSurfer and MNE are installed and sourced properly.

This function extracts the BEM surfaces (outer skull, inner skull, and outer skin) from multiecho FLASH MRI data with spin angles of 5 and 30 degrees. The multiecho FLASH data can be input as .mgz or .nii files. This function assumes that the Freesurfer segmentation of the subject has been completed. In particular, the T1.mgz and brain.mgz MRI volumes should be, as usual, in the subject’s mri directory.

mne freeview_bem_surfaces#

View the 3-Layers BEM model using Freeview.#

Usage: mne freeview_bem_surfaces [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-s SUBJECT, --subject=SUBJECT

Subject name

-d SUBJECTS_DIR, --subjects-dir=SUBJECTS_DIR

Subjects directory

-m METHOD, --method=METHOD

Method used to generate the BEM model. Can be flash or watershed.


$ mne freeview_bem_surfaces -s sample

mne kit2fiff#

Import KIT / NYU data to fif file.#

Usage: mne kit2fiff [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Input data file name


MEG Marker file name


Headshape points file name


Headshape file name


Colon Separated Stimulus Trigger Channels


Slope direction


Threshold value for trigger channels


Name of the resulting fiff file


Set logging level for terminal output to debug


$ mne kit2fiff --input input.sqd --output output.fif

Use without arguments to invoke GUI:

$ mne kt2fiff

mne make_scalp_surfaces#

Create high-resolution head surfaces for coordinate alignment.#

Usage: mne make_scalp_surfaces [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-o, --overwrite

Overwrite previously computed surface

-s SUBJECT, --subject=SUBJECT

The name of the subject

-m MRI, --mri=MRI

The MRI file to process using mkheadsurf.

-f, --force

Force creation of the surface even if it has some topological defects.


Threshold value to use with the MRI.

-d SUBJECTS_DIR, --subjects-dir=SUBJECTS_DIR

Subjects directory

-n, --no-decimate

Disable medium and sparse decimations (dense only)


Enable verbose mode (printing of log messages).


$ mne make_scalp_surfaces --overwrite --subject sample

mne prepare_bem_model#

Create a BEM solution using the linear collocation approach.#

Usage: mne prepare_bem_model [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


The name of the file containing the triangulations of the BEM surfaces and the conductivities of the compartments. The standard ending for this file is -bem.fif.


The name of the resulting file containing BEM solution (geometry matrix). It uses the linear collocation approach. The file should end with -bem-sof.fif.


Enable verbose mode (printing of log messages).


$ mne prepare_bem_model --bem sample-5120-5120-5120-bem.fif

mne report#

Create mne report for a folder.#

Usage: mne report [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-p PATH, --path=PATH

Path to folder who MNE-Report must be created

-i FILE, --info=FILE

File from which info dictionary is to be read

-c FILE, --cov=FILE

File from which noise covariance is to be read


Time at which baseline correction starts for evokeds


Time at which baseline correction stops for evokeds

-d SUBJECTS_DIR, --subjects-dir=SUBJECTS_DIR

The subjects directory

-s SUBJECT, --subject=SUBJECT

The subject name


Do not open MNE-Report in browser


Overwrite html report if it already exists

-j N_JOBS, --jobs=N_JOBS

Number of jobs to run in parallel

-m MRI_DECIM, --mri-decim=MRI_DECIM

Integer factor used to decimate BEM plots


Image format to use (can be ‘png’ or ‘svg’)


Enable verbose mode (printing of log messages).


Before getting started with mne report, make sure the files you want to render follow the filename conventions defined by MNE:

Data object

Filename convention (ends with)


-raw.fif(.gz), -raw_sss.fif(.gz), -raw_tsss.fif(.gz), _meg.fif(.gz), _eeg.fif(.gz), _ieeg.fif(.gz)















To generate a barebones report from all the *.fif files in the sample dataset, invoke the following command in a system (e.g., Bash) shell:

$ mne report --path MNE-sample-data/ --verbose

On successful creation of the report, it will open the HTML in a new tab in the browser. To disable this, use the --no-browser option.

TO generate a report for a single subject, give the SUBJECT name and the SUBJECTS_DIR and this will generate the MRI slices (with BEM contours overlaid on top if available):

$ mne report --path MNE-sample-data/ --subject sample --subjects-dir \
    MNE-sample-data/subjects --verbose

To properly render trans and covariance files, add the measurement information:

$ mne report --path MNE-sample-data/ \
    --info MNE-sample-data/MEG/sample/sample_audvis-ave.fif \
    --subject sample --subjects-dir MNE-sample-data/subjects --verbose

To render whitened evoked files with baseline correction, add the noise covariance file:

$ mne report --path MNE-sample-data/ \
    --info MNE-sample-data/MEG/sample/sample_audvis-ave.fif \
    --cov MNE-sample-data/MEG/sample/sample_audvis-cov.fif --bmax 0 \
    --subject sample --subjects-dir MNE-sample-data/subjects --verbose

To generate the report in parallel:

$ mne report --path MNE-sample-data/ \
    --info MNE-sample-data/MEG/sample/sample_audvis-ave.fif \
    --subject sample --subjects-dir MNE-sample-data/subjects \
    --verbose --jobs 6

For help on all the available options, do:

$ mne report --help

mne setup_forward_model#

Create a BEM model for a subject.#

Usage: mne setup_forward_model [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-s SUBJECT, --subject=SUBJECT

Subject name (required)


Output file name. Use a name <dir>/<name>-bem.fif


The surface ico downsampling to use, e.g. 5=20484, 4=5120, 3=1280. If None, no subsampling is applied.


Defines the brain compartment conductivity. The default value is 0.3 S/m.


Defines the skull compartment conductivity. The default value is 0.006 S/m.


Defines the scalp compartment conductivity. The default value is 0.3 S/m.


Use a single compartment model (brain only) instead a three layer one (scalp, skull, and brain). If this flag is specified, the options –skullc and –scalpc are irrelevant.

-d SUBJECTS_DIR, --subjects-dir=SUBJECTS_DIR

Subjects directory


Enable verbose mode (printing of log messages).


$ mne setup_forward_model -s 'sample'

mne setup_source_space#

Set up bilateral hemisphere surface-based source space with subsampling.#

Usage: mne setup_source_space [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-s SUBJECT, --subject=SUBJECT

Subject name (required)


Output file name. Use a name <dir>/<name>-src.fif


morph the source space to this subject


The surface to use. (default to white)


Specifies the approximate grid spacing of the source space in mm. (default to 7mm)


use the recursively subdivided icosahedron to create the source space.


use the recursively subdivided octahedron to create the source space.

-d SUBJECTS_DIR, --subjects-dir=SUBJECTS_DIR

Subjects directory

-n N_JOBS, --n-jobs=N_JOBS

The number of jobs to run in parallel (default 1). Requires the joblib package. Will use at most 2 jobs (one for each hemisphere).


Add distances. Can be “True”, “False”, or “patch” to only compute cortical patch statistics (like the –cps option in MNE-C)

-o, --overwrite

to write over existing files


Enable verbose mode (printing of log messages).


   $ mne setup_source_space --subject sample

.. note : Only one of --ico, --oct or --spacing options can be set at the same
          time. Default to oct6.

mne show_fiff#

Show the contents of a FIFF file.#

Usage: mne show_fiff <file>



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-t TAG, --tag=TAG

provide information about this tag

-b, --bytes

show the byte offset of each tag


$ mne show_fiff test_raw.fif

To see only tag 102:

$ mne show_fiff test_raw.fif --tag=102

mne show_info#

Show measurement info from .fif file.#

Usage: mne show_info <file>



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


$ mne show_info sample_audvis_raw.fif

mne surf2bem#

Convert surface to BEM FIF file.#

Usage: mne surf2bem [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-s FILE, --surf=FILE

Surface in Freesurfer format

-f FILE, --fif=FILE

FIF file produced

-i ID, --id=ID

Surface Id (e.g. 4 for head surface)


$ mne surf2bem --surf ${SUBJECTS_DIR}/${SUBJECT}/surf/lh.seghead \
    --fif ${SUBJECTS_DIR}/${SUBJECT}/bem/${SUBJECT}-head.fif \

mne sys_info#

Show system information.#

Usage: mne sys_info



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-p, --show-paths

Show module paths

-d, --developer

Show additional developer module information

-a, --ascii

Use ASCII instead of unicode symbols


Disable MNE-Python remote version checking.


$ mne sys_info

mne watershed_bem#

Create BEM surfaces using the watershed algorithm included with FreeSurfer.#

Usage: mne watershed_bem [options]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-s SUBJECT, --subject=SUBJECT

Subject name (required)

-d SUBJECTS_DIR, --subjects-dir=SUBJECTS_DIR

Subjects directory

-o, --overwrite

Write over existing files

-v VOLUME, --volume=VOLUME

Defaults to T1

-a, --atlas

Specify the –atlas option for mri_watershed

-g, --gcaatlas

Specify the –brain_atlas option for mri_watershed

-p PREFLOOD, --preflood=PREFLOOD

Change the preflood height


Use copies instead of symlinks for surfaces

-t T1, --T1=T1

Whether or not to pass the -T1 flag (can be true, false, 0, or 1). By default it takes the same value as gcaatlas.


The filename for the brainmask output file relative to the $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT/bem/watershed/ directory.


Enable verbose mode (printing of log messages).


$ mne watershed_bem -s sample

mne what#

Check type of FIF file.#

Usage: mne what fname [fname2 ...]



show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


$ mne what sample_audvis_raw.fif